Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Testing Aids Learning

According to a study published in the March 2006 issue of Psychological Science, tests don't just assess what you know--they also help you learn material:

"Our study indicates that testing can be used as a powerful means for improving learning, not just assessing it," says Henry L. "Roddy" Roediger III, . . ..

"Students who self-test frequently while studying on their own may be able to learn more, in much less time, than they might by simply studying the material over and over again," he adds. "Incorporating more frequent classroom testing into a course may improve students' learning and promote retention of material long after a course has ended."

The research findings, reported in "Test-Enhanced Learning: Taking Memory Tests Improves Long-Term Retention," suggest that we should all welcome pop-quizzes. Teachers are only giving them because they care about us.

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