Monday, October 09, 2006


When computers were first being developed, you have to think no one imagined that someone would figure out this particular use for them.

What, you rightly ask, is "this," and we have to answer by saying we're not sure what to call it. But here's how it works. Click on the link to Dylan. While Dylan's song "Don't think twice, it's all right" plays, the lyrics--in Garamond typeface--scroll into a line which sketches a portrait of Dylan. It is oddly addictive to watch. Here are some more:

Bob Dylan, portrait, Garamond
Notorious B.I.G, portrait, Baskerville Old Face
The Beatle, Lennon, Book Antiqua
Jose Feliciano, California, Century Gothic
Nirvana, Helvetica, Helvetica
Led Zeppelin, Bush, Times New Roman

These files are from, which is maintained by two individuals in New York who have backgrounds in architecture. They define their site as "a space on the web where we could experiment in ideas free of budgets and committees."

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