Monday, August 25, 2008

Extend Firefox 3 Contest Winners

One of the beauties of using Mozilla's Firefox 3 as one's internet browser is the ability to customize it as one wishes by adding extensions. Hundreds of extensions are available--some of which we would have trouble living without.

To encourage the development of new nifty extensions, Mozilla Labs periodically holds a contest and the winners of the Extend Firefox 3 winners are now available in categories such as Best Add-ons, Best Updated Add-on, and Best Music Add-on:
  • Best Add-ons: Pencil by Dương Thành An; Tagmarks by Felipe Tassario Gomes; and HandyTag by Rémi Szymkowiak
  • Best Updated Add-on: Read it Later by Nate Weiner
  • Best Music Add-on: from Jorge Villalobos and Jose Enrique Bolaños.

You mean you still aren't using Firefox??! Download it now!

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