Thursday, September 04, 2008

Political Fact Checkers

With American politics surging out of the Democratic and Republican national conventions toward the General Election pull out, you may find yourself dizzy from the spin. That's where political fact checkers enter in. These non-partisan web sites attempt to track down the truth about the outrageous claims candidates make about each other and ferret out the uncomfortable reality candidates may attempt to hide about themselves.

We recommend three:
  1. PolitiFact, home of the Truth-o-meter (pictured above) and the Flip-o-meter;
  2.; and
  3., a web site which tracks the voting, speech, and interview record of "Every Political Leader on Every Issue."

1 comment:

Liz said...

I frequently check out factcheck,org, but had not heard of the other two -- thanks for the recommendations.

I've recently come across an a-polotical site that's also non-partisan, that seeks to encourage and increase participation in the political process. The Democracy Conservator Foundation urges open elections and real change. Give it a look