Sunday, January 01, 2006

2005 in Review

(Photo from NPPA's best photojournalism of 2005 -- link below.)

Plato quotes Socrates as saying the unexamined life is not worth living, so nHumanities pauses at the start of 2006 to review 2005. Online, one of the best ways to gaze at our collective navel is by reviewing end-of-the-year lists.

Lists:2005 from provides an aggregate of all 2005 lists, including such gems as

Bonus list: Top Ten Archive from The Late Show with David Letterman -- CBS created the archive of Letterman's trademark top ten lists because "The Smithsonian has asked us to do our part to organize and preserve our nation's precious comedy heritage."

1 comment:

ming said...

happy new year northwest college!